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Cacti & Succulent Soil Blend


This soil contains a range of non-porous materials to create a fast draining mix that does not stay wet for long. The high portion of sand and grit in the mixture means the majority of water flows right through the pot to through the holes at the bottom. However the coco coir, pumice and zeolite in the mixture will hold onto just enough water for the plant to absorb in the short time that the blend stays wet for.

What Cacti and Succulents want from their soil:
These types of plant generally want one thing – for the majority of the time to be in completely dry substrate. However, when it comes to your watering we recommend you properly drench them. In the wild these plants are used to huge downpours of rain, followed by the land becoming dry quickly after a few days. Soil Ninja have formulated this mix to simulate this wet-dry cycle. In general the recommend water every 2/3 weeks only in the Summer months. Spring and Autumn should be about once a month, and not at all in winter.

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Our Expert, Emma

Our founder, Emma Sibley, is our resident terrarium and houseplant expert.

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