Emma Sibley looking after a planted glass terrarium, tips to how to get your terrarium to thrive

Terrarium Care

Terrarium Care

Do you struggle to keep houseplants alive? Don't worry, closed glass terrariums are almost impossible to kill. Generally low-maintenance these gardens under glass require much less attention than your average house plant. Keep reading to discover our top tips to help your terrarium thrive. 

1. Two week incubation. 

Do not worry - this isn't as scary as it sounds! Once you have planted your own terrarium we suggest giving it a two week incubation period, meaning taking the cork off occasionally for the first two weeks. If you think about it, you have just taken these plants from an environment that they are completely used to and popped them into this sealed jar - they just need to get used to this new space. So every few days take the cork off and leave it off for a few hours and then pop it back on again, repeating this every few days for two weeks, after which you should be fine to leave the cork in. If you forget, don't worry just do it when you remember, you have probably forgotten as your terrarium is already doing so well!

2. If in doubt, do not water.

The main thing to remember is that your terrarium creates its own water, meaning that it is very rare for you to have to water it. As long as you see a small amount on condensation on the inside of the glass you do not need to water your terrarium. We always say don't water for the sake of it, even if you haven't watered your terrarium for months, as long as there is condensation you are fine. If you think your terrarium is starting to look a bit dry, maybe wait until the next day and if it is still looking dry then give it one or two sprays of water. That takes us on to the next point, if you do have to water, always introduce water as water vapour by using a spray bottle or mister, as pouring water in will usually lead to an over-watered 'swampy' terrarium!

3. Keep out of any direct sun or heat

The plants used in these sealed terrariums all thrive in low light. Keep your terrariums away from any direct sun, such as a South facing window ledge, or leaving it in the car on a hot day (words from experience…) as the sun coming through the glass will very quickly 'cook' the plants causing them to wilt and die. This goes for leaving your terrarium anywhere too warm as well, next to radiators and placed on heated floors will be very detrimental.

4. Looking too humid?

Occasionally you may look at your terrarium and there seems to be too much condensation on the inside. This may be that your terrarium is either too hot and is creating too much condensation or your terrarium is too cold and it is respiring too much. The best thing to do is change the position of the terrarium and then just take the cork out for a few hours until the excess condensation has dried out.