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The Little Book of Big Plants


Big house plants are the perfect way to add some 'jungle' to your home! Whether you prefer to buy a young plant so you can watch it grow and flourish or you are all about the instant gratification of bringing home a large, ready-formed specimen,  there is one thing you can almost always guarantee - your plant will continue to grow and adapt to fill your space! This book shows you ways to style these large plants in your home and how to ensure they thrive for years to come.

The third book in this series, The Little Book of Big Plants takes you through 45 different house plants as well as featuring interviews with house plant aficionados about their favourite green giants. 

Emma's Review

My favourite part of writing this book was interviewing some of my favourite gardening pals and people I have connected with online about their most prized large leafy (or Spiky!) friends.


17cm x 19cm

Our Expert, Emma

Our founder, Emma Sibley, is our resident terrarium and houseplant expert.

She has carefully curated our product selection in store and online for all plant lovers.

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